Etablissement, formations et diplômes non reconnus par la Communauté française de Belgique

Institutions européennes

Maîtrise en Institutions Européennes.


Introduction to European Institutions

History of the construction of E.U.

Different instances inside E.U.

Introduction to European Institutions

The course focuses on modern Antitrust law and enforcement in a global setting.

Antitrust law and antitrust jurisdiction is not determined by the origin of, or the geographic area where the relevant action has taken place. It is determined by the action’s effects. These could and, in a globalized economy, normally do take place any- and everywhere. The more so since the number of countries equipped with more or less sophisticated antitrust laws and enforcement systems has grown spectacularly in the recent years, and continues to do so. Concurrent overlapping of different antitrust laws and jurisdictions has therefore become much more the rule than the exception.

It will delve into and compare the main antitrust categories (agreements, monopolization, mergers, administrative and court enforcement) from the perspective of mainly the EU system. It will, furthermore, devote attention to the BRICS countries and to those countries having a significant antitrust record. Finally, it will deal with international antitrust enforcement, both in terms of concurrent or shared enforcement between different systems, and of the workings of international networks, structures, and organizations.

Lobbying inside E.U.

Brussels: first place of lobbying after Washington.

How lobbying can changing law inside of E.U.?

Law of the WTO

Provide a comprehensive presentation and analysis of the WTO law. The course is restricted to the trade agreements of WTO, that is, trade in goods and trade in services, and a detailed examination of the dispute settlement system. We start, nevertheless, with a detailed historical account of the GATT genesis. We pay particular attention to the case-law. 

European Union Law

Provide an introduction to the law of the European Union. The theories of European integration and examine the constitutional and institutional structure of the EU. We devote substantial attention to the division of powers among the EU institutions and between the EU and its Member States. Other topics include the substantive law relating to the Common Market, the evolution of Fundamental Rights, the external relations of the EU, the enlargement of the EU as well as the formation of the euro zone and the ongoing debt crisis.

Transnational Litigation and Arbitration

Covers the basic procedural problems that occur in disputes arising out of commercial transactions that cross national boundaries.

All these issues have planning, counseling and drafting implications: choice of law, choice of forum, waivers of immunities, litigation versus arbitration, arbitration agreements, etc. The course means to equip students to make various strategic decisions regarding the structuring of dispute resolution aspects of international transactions.


Facing the international trading system and the world trade organization, with particular focus on current gaps and challenges facing the WTO and the development of WTO rules.

The stalled multilateral trade negotiations and the implications thereof for development of rules, coverage in key areas of international cross border trade and investment flows and systemic integration of developing economies; financial protectionism/increased subsidies; stepped up WTO legal and illegal trade restrictive measures; climate & environmental measures, among other areas.

International and Comparative Criminal Law

Provide a general introduction to the issues of international criminal law, including the problems of jurisdiction, extradition, and the role of international criminal courts. The issues of criminal responsibility for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity will be analyzed critically and comparatively, with primary attention given to the problem of philosophical and legal foundations of international criminal liability.

International Commercial Arbitration

The seminar proceeds through a series of major phases of international commercial arbitration in sequence, dealing with: drafting the arbitration agreement; arbitrator disclosures and challenges; anti-suit and anti-arbitration injunctions; threshold issues in arbitration (the preliminary hearing, conditions precedent, applicable law, confidentiality); multi-party and class arbitration; arbitrating with states and state entities; interim relief; discovery; conduct of the hearing (witness testimony, use of experts); arbitrator deliberations and the award; post-award relief (correction, modification, supplementation); and procedural reform and innovation.

International Trade Law

Examine the law and policy of international trade in goods and services. It begins with an overview of the economics and politics of international cooperation on trade, and then moves on to study the core obligations that states have under the WTO/GATT rules. These rules address tariff and non-tariff barriers, discrimination of importers, regional trade agreements, anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties, and safeguards measures. We will discuss the negotiation, implementation and enforcement of international trade agreements, with a particular interest in the relationship between free trade and other areas of international cooperation, such as environment, public health, intellectual property protection, human rights and development.

Relations between E.U. and Asia


Relations between E.U. and Africa


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1050 Bruxelles

 +32 2 201 77 08

 +32 2 522 36 10 

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